Pianomania vient de remporter le Golden Gate Award du meilleur documentaire au 53e SanFrancisco International Film Festival. Voici le commentaire du jury:

On the surface Pianomania might appear to be a film about a very specific and perhaps arcane subject: piano tuning. But because of its craft and character development it emerges as a film with a transcendent theme: the pursuit of excellence. The delightful subject of the film, Stefan Knupfer, may be a piano tuner, but he is also a portal into the knotty human desire to untangle the ineffable.

Ou pour paraphraser, c'est un film qui dépasse son sujet (l'accord d'un piano), et le transcende pour devenir une réflexion sur la poursuite de l'excellence. Il sort à Paris le 5 Janvier...